
PRACTICE 1500 Old Northern Blvd ,2nd Floor above Besito, Roslyn



9:00-10:30AM Lineage Inspired Open Flow 
First series of Ashtanga Yoga. Addresses imbalances in the physical body, bringing health to every organ system, joint, muscle and cell, leaving one cleansed and clear to experience vibrant health.

11:05AM Meditation together let's take a quiet seat and learn to connect to the witness aspect of self as we calm the chatter in the mind. 

11:30-12:45PM Hatha Yoga Basics                                                                                             The practice begins here – where the vocabulary and basics of yoga are explored to increase awareness. Ideal for beginner or for the seasoned yogi looking to focus on the more subtle details of practice




11:30-12:30PM Chair Yoga for Everybody—- Cardiac/Medical Yoga Research has shown that a Yoga-based program can reverse and prevent heart disease as well as facilitate recovery from cardiac procedures. Cardiac/Medical Yoga is a gentle and modified form of yoga for assistance in physical, mental and emotional healing. This program aids  in stress management and developing lifestyle choices that promote health and vitality physically, emotionally and spiritually. Whether you are looking to  rehabilitate your body from a medical condition, or are interested in the prevention of disease, such as high blood pressure or heart disease, this program offers that assistance safely. 

7:00PM-8:15PM Yoga for Pelvic Health classes are specifically designed to address pelvic floor pain and dysfunction. You will learn gentle yoga postures and stretches that activate pelvic floor awareness and release muscle tension, as well as breath-work, and meditation techniques to experience a greater sense of health and well-being. Open to all.



9:00-10:15AM  PRACTICE FLOW All Level/intermediate Vinyasa Yoga Practice.  All Level Vinyasa Yoga Practice            A joyful and liberating flow using  alignment and sequencing techniques that build strength, flexibility and deepen awareness of the practice. Ashtanga meets Dharma inspired  practice. A deep, creative and challenging flow class peppered with inversions, arm balances, twists and more. Options freely offered to all levels.

11:05-11:30AM Meditation together let's take a quiet seat and learn to connect to the witness aspect of self as we calm the chatter in the mind. 




11:30-12:45PM  Yoga for Pelvic Health classes are specifically designed to address pelvic floor pain and dysfunction. You will learn gentle yoga postures and stretches that activate pelvic floor awareness and release muscle tension, as well as breath-work, and meditation techniques to experience a greater sense of health and well-being. Open to all.





9:30-11:00AM PRACTICE FLOW                                                                                                     All level Lineage Inspired Vinyasa Practice                                                                                                           A joyfuyl flow class designed for everybody: the weekend warrior to the daily devotee. Great playlist, inspirational readings, and a melting flow with options for all,  leading one to a breakthrough experience of connection – body, mind and soul.

11:15-11:45 Yoga Nidra  Yoga nidra, also known as yogic sleep , is a powerful and potent meditation technique involving lying down with supporting bolsters and blankets while being led through a body scan to let go into the liminal space between awakeness and sleep. Yoga Nidra helps to calm the nervous system, slowing the brain waves and shifting into the parasympathetic branch where the rest and digest hormones such as melatonin are released. It is in this state that benefits such as improved immune system ,improved sleep, increased pain threshold, improved mental performance, improved mood, improved energy and restoration and healing happen.

12:00-1:00PM Chair Yoga for Every Body/Cardiac/Medical Yoga Research has shown that a Yoga-based program can reverse and prevent heart disease as well as facilitate recovery from cardiac procedures. Cardiac/Medical Yoga is a gentle and modified form of yoga for assistance in physical, mental and emotional healing. This program aids  in stress management and developing lifestyle choices that promote health and vitality physically, emotionally and spiritually. Whether you are looking to  rehabilitate your body from a medical condition, or are interested in the prevention of disease, such as high blood pressure or heart disease, this program offers that assistance safely. 




Private Instruction Available upon request.

Create correct muscle memory. Receive the benefit of an experienced eye and knowledgeable touch/assists in learning asana. Gain confidence in your yoga practice.